Social Networking and Stylish Apps for Your Android

This time I am going to give you some applications that�s been so popular in Blackberry and/or iOS to be installed into your own Android Device. Get ready, here we come �.

1. Social Networking
I would definitely suggest Flow For FB, this apps has complete feature just like FB for BB. Real time notification and interval refresh is some of the features in it. You can easily use and download this app here

Blackberry may have Uber Social, but you know that android has Plume. It has a complete twitter features. Enough said� download it here

2. Autotext
BB user feels so stylish with �Autotext� feature which has lot of symbols that can only be read by BB. Don�t worry guys, android user can also have it ! I'll talk about it next time, so stay and keep update here.

3. Symbols & Text
You can read BB text and symbols in your own android ! The point is only to provide a large amount of fonts character, then store and activate it in your android. AFAIK, a large amount of characters and fonts is BBShablonChinese. Follow these instructions :
a. install fontchangerlite in your android. Download here
b. Root your android. If you don�t understand how to do it, see previous posts.
c. Once the rooting finished, Open fontchangerlite, it will automatically build a folder in SDCard.
d. Plug in your android to PC.
e. Move the BBShablonChinese font to the new folder (in fontchangerlite).
f. Unplug your device from PC
g. Go to fontchangerlite, choose BBShablonChinese and restart.
h. When the power is ON, the fonts shall be active.

I am not responsible for any damage or errors of your device caused by these steps. No guarantee given. Do it at your own risk !
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